
Glad you were born!

Yesterday was Nate's birthday but I was crazy busy spending time with him and getting his birthday dinner ready. So here's my top ten list of why I'm glad he was born:

  1. Support- Nate is really quite supportive of anything I decide I want to do. He might give me crap and occasionally make me feel guilty about it, but he's there to help whenever he possibly can.
  2. Ambition- One of the main reasons I fell in love with him is his drive and ambition. The guy's got dreams and I have no doubt that he'll achieve them.
  3. His Eyes- They're beautiful. Enough said.
  4. Confidence- Although it may get him in trouble sometimes. And sometimes I'm so sick of it I just want to scream, I love that he is confident in who he is and what he can do.
  5. Family- I love how he values family and I love knowing that WE get to be his family-forever.
  6. His Family-(I won't actually put their name in, for safety.) Although I joke about it and give them a hard time, I love Nate's family and am so grateful to be a part of their lives.
  7. Color- Nate is very different from my family. And I know it's been hard for him to fit in, but I love the dynamic he brings to us.
  8. A higher level- Let's face it, Nate is good at almost everything he does, especially sports, and sometimes I just hate it! But he is always giving me something to reach for. Because one day, I swear, I will be better at him than something other than dancing and singing.
  9. Stubbornness- I hate that Nate is stubborn-it makes life hard sometimes, but it is nice to know there is somebody in the world that is even more stubborn than me.
  10. Tayvin- I'm sure other people have many of these traits, but NOBODY could have given me the exact Tayv I have. He has so much of Nate in him, it's scary sometimes, but I love, love, love, that he has the same ambition and love of knowledge that Nate has.

Happy Birthday Babe, We're so glad you were born!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Hubby! I wish I could have met him Stac! He sounds great and I am happy you found him! Tell him Happy Birthday!